...作中错过了一些什么,我决定找一个学校学习绘画和插画,就这样我加入了位于芝加哥中心的美国艺术学院(American Academy of Art),一间非常棒的艺术学院,只是在几年以后,我已经把自己大多数时间用在学校里,我希望能完整地学习写生课和人体结构课程,但是我...
"We couldn't teach classes without professional models," said Duncan Webb, the academic dean at the American Academy of art in Chicago and an artist himself.
“没有这些专业的模特,我们这课就没发儿上了,”美国艺术学院芝加哥分校的系主任Duncan Webb说,他本身也是个艺术家呢。
And the Phillips Academy Andover (No. 3) houses one of the world's most important collections of American art in its Addison Gallery.
The lecture is organized both by Today Art Museum and Central Academy of Fine Arts, American artist David LaChapelle, will share his achievements and success in photography of the past 25 years.